To whom it may concern
We hereby announce that, Control Union Certifications (CUC) is an AWS approved, independent audit and certification body and will conduct the certification audit for the below party according to the AWS (Alliance for Water Stewardship) Standard.
Manufacturing unitary enterprise «Coca-Cola Beverages Belorussiya»
223056, Kolyadichi, 147/2, Minsk District, The Republic of Belarus
The AWS surveillance audit date is the 6th of April 2021. We kindly request any parties to contact us in case of any comment regarding the above certification request during the coming 30 days period.
Interested stakeholders are hereby invited to make written or oral submission in respect of the application on the operations of the party and its impact on the water catchment of the area. Written submission including objective evidence should be sent to auditor. We are welcoming comments or requests for meeting to the following contact details:
AWS auditor: Mr. Aleksandr Kamzolov
Email address:
Office telephone: +7 495 601 90 89
We would like to turn your attention to the fact, that any oral written submissions made in reference to the operation of the above party should be supported by objective evidence wherever possible.
Date of Publication: 02-03-2021